How well did the training convey what Human-Centered Design is, its theory and value?
What’s Human-Centered Design again?
I get it in theory, but not sure how it applies
This makes total sense, I see how it can enhance our work and I can’t wait to give it a shot!
I wanted more theory and less practice to understand more of the “why” and less of the “how” and “what”
How did you feel about Lift’s presentation style?
Too informal: stay focused and watch your mouths, boys—we just met
Business casual: a respect for the context and personalities in the room while treating us like real people
Too uptight: ease up, you automatons!
How well did Lift manage the pace of the sessions?
Ploddingly slow overall
We spent too much time where it didn’t matter and not enough where it did
Just about right—we flexed where it made sense
Rushed—ease up on the gas pedal and let me think
How did you feel about the level of detail in the presentation?
Way in the weeds—bring it up a few levels, this ain’t grad school
Detailed enough to get me into action, but I figure there’s more to it
So high level, it could have just been a bulleted email list
How did you feel about the videos used in the presentation?
They helped me get it
I half-paid attention while I checked my email
They were extraneous and just made the day longer
How about the content boards / slides?
Too many—pare it back
Each board / slide was useful
You need more to support the voice-over
How did you find the preparatory personal immersion / research activity?
Onerous and too much to ask for
It was a minor imposition, but I see why it was useful
It was awesome—I could have done a lot more
How did you feel about the ideation exercise?
I didn’t see the point—aren’t there people whose only job is to come up with ideas?
I saw the value and wanted to contribute, but the methods used didn’t inspire me or help me communicate my ideas
It was a good mix of individual generation and collective refinement to coax ideas out of everyone
How prepared do you feel for the sprint activities?
Not at all prepared—I have no idea what to expect
Pretty well prepared—I’m sure there’s stuff that’ll come up, but I’m feeling good
I could run the sprint with my eyes closed and one hand tied behind my back
How did you find the level of enthusiasm Lift brought to the room?
I struggled to stay awake and engaged
It was just the right amount of nuts to keep us energized and focused
A Gong Show of distraction
How confident are you in Lift’s capabilities in the area of Human-Centered Design?
A couple of hacks and snake oil salesmen—I don’t trust them
I’ll see another hand: they seem like they know what they’re doing, but could also be blowing smoke
They live and breathe this stuff and want to make sure we get it like they do
How likely are you to recommend a workshop like this to others in your organization?
No. Freakin’. Way. That was a day of my life I can’t get back
Maybe. It depends on the specific department and project—I’ll get back to you
…and here are their emails:
What did you find particularly useful that you can see yourself using again?
What should Lift keep doing or do more of?
What should Lift never do again?
Was this too many questions?
Possibly. You're pushing it, but ending on a high note.
Are you serious? We're still doing this??!
Thank you, good citizen, for being awesome and helping us improve. We really appreciate it and will work it into our future gigs.
While there’s no reward now, when you die, on your deathbed, you’ll achieve total consciousness. So you got that going for ya, which is nice.